Sponsored by Toshiba Corporation, Toshiba America Group Companies, Toshiba America Foundation
Eligibility: Public, Private
Award(s): Grants up to $1,000 are awarded.
Deadline(s): Applications are due October 1, annually.
Focus: Engineering, Professional Development, STEM/STEAM/STREAM, Technology Education/Computer Science, Technology Equipment/Devices
Grade Level(s): 3-5, K-2, PreK
Content Area(s): Mathematics, Science
Themes and Skills: Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving
State(s): National
Description: The foundation offers grants to elementary-level teachers for projects that focus on innovative ideas for improving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning in the classroom. Projects should have measurable outcomes and make learning fun for students.
Elementary school teachers are eligible to apply. Applications must be submitted online.
Contact: Toshiba America Foundation
Website: http://www.toshiba.com/taf/k5.jsp