Sponsored by Tensor Foundation, administered by the Mathematical Association of America
Eligibility: Public, Private
Award(s): Grants up to $6,000 are awarded.
Deadline(s): Applications are due February 12, annually.
Focus: Professional Development, Underserved Populations/At Risk
Grade Level(s): 6-8, 9-12, Adult, Higher Ed
Content Area(s): Mathematics
Themes and Skills: Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Information Literacy
State(s): National
Description: Tensor Women and Mathematics Grants support projects designed to encourage college and university women or high school and middle school girls to study mathematics.
Program goals are to encourage college and university mathematics faculty to develop projects to increase participation of women in mathematics, and to provide support to project directors. Possible projects, all of which have a strong mathematics component, may include the following:
• Organizing a club for women interested in mathematics or mathematics and science.
• Creating a network of women professional mentors who direct mathematics projects for girls.
• Holding a conference for counselors for preparing them to encourage women and girls to continue to study mathematics.
• Conducting a summer mathematics program for high school women.
• Bringing high school women onto a college campus for a Mathematics Day.
• Structuring a program for high school or college women to mentor younger female students with mathematics projects or clubs.
• Forming partnerships with industry to acquaint women students with real-life applications of mathematics.
Providing funds toward release time to allow faculty to prepare a course on women and mathematics.
Eligible applicants are college and university mathematics faculty or precollege mathematics teachers working in conjunction with college and university faculty. Complete applications must be submitted using the online system.
Contact: Florence Fasanelli, Mathematical Association of America Tensor Program Outreach Director
Mathematical Association of America
1529 18th St. NW
Washington, DC 20036-1358
Phone: 202.966.5591
Email: florencefasanelli@yahoo.com
Rachelle DeCoste, Mathematical Association of America Program Director
Email: decoste_rachelle@wheatoncollege.edu
Website: https://www.maa.org/programs-and-communities/outreach-initiatives/tensor-women-and-mathematics-grants