Sponsored by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Office of STEM Engagement
Eligibility: Public, Private
Award(s): Cooperative agreements up to $65,000 are awarded.
Deadline(s): Applications are due January 18, 2022.
Focus: Academic/Early Career Research, Career and College Readiness, Engineering, Equity and Diversity, Interning/Mentoring/Apprenticeship, STEM/STEAM/STREAM, Technology Education/Computer Science, Transportation
Grade Level(s): 9-12, Higher Ed
Content Area(s): Mathematics, Science
Themes and Skills: Critical Thinking, Innovation, Problem Solving
State(s): National
Description: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) solicits proposals to establish precollege summer residential institutes for high school students on the campuses of Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Predominantly Black Institutions. There is a priority to engage student participants who are members of groups historically underserved and underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) including racial and ethnic minorities, women, and persons with disabilities. Goals are to increase participation and diversity of high school students prepared to successfully pursue college STEM degree programs and STEM careers.
The scope of work includes the following components:
• Use evidence-based models to design, implement, and evaluate innovative programming incorporating authentic STEM activities related to NASA missions or research, as well as college and career readiness development activities.
• Engage STEM professionals to provide career connections, mentoring, shadowing experiences, field trips and site tours, or other engagement opportunities.
• Provide overall management of all programmatic, logistical, and fiscal activities.
Eligible applicants are US institutions of higher education designated as Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Predominantly Black Institutions. Proposal plans must include a principal investigator who is a faculty member at the applicant institution in the fields of STEM, education, sponsored research, research foundation, or a discipline relevant to NASA-related research, development, or engineering. Partnerships or collaborations are required with at least one STEM industry, agency, or organization. Collaborations with NASA centers and facilities are encouraged. Cost sharing and matching funds are not required. Applications must be submitted online.
Contact: Dr. Catherine E. Graves
Acting MUREP PSI Activity Manager
NASA Glenn Research Center
21000 Brookpark Rd. Mail Stop 7-4
Cleveland, OH 44135
Email: MUREP-PSI@nasaprs.com
Website: https://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?solId=%7BD72D802F-9876-C41F-CFCB-481E159CFB4B%7D&path=&method=init