$1,500+ – The purpose of this grant is to provide financial assistance to a first-time attendee at an NCTM annual meeting and exposition. For 2019-20, the Mathematics Education Trust will fund travel, subsistence expenses, and substitute teacher costs of up to $1,500 + Meeting Registration to attend the San Diego, California Annual Meeting and Exposition for a classroom teacher* in grades Pre-K-12 who has never attended an NCTM annual meeting and who is current (on or before October 12, 2018) Essential or Premium member of NCTM or teaches at a school with a current (on or before October 12, 2018) NCTM Pre-K-8 school membership . An applicant must:
• have a full-time teaching position for the 2018-19 school year; secondary school teacher must be teaching mathematics for at least 50 percent of his/her 2019-20 schedule;
• have earned at least a bachelor’s degree; • be teaching at the time of the application and anticipate teaching during the following school year.
(*The definition of a classroom teacher is an individual who spends half or more of his/her work time teaching in the classroom.)
A lesson that you taught, listing its goals, objectives, and suggested improvements if taught again, must be included in the proposal. Special consideration will be given to a teacher of underserved and rural students. Any air travel arrangements must be made through the designated NCTM travel agent so NCTM can pay directly for the travel. Hotel arrangements will be made by NCTM.
No person may receive more than one award administered by the Mathematics Education Trust in the same academic year.
Go to https://www.nctm.org/Grants-and-Awards/Grants/Future-Leader-Initial-NCTM-Annual-Meeting-Attendance-Awards/ to apply.