$4,000 – The purpose of this grant is to provide financial assistance to pre-K-12 schools for in-service to increase understanding and expertise in fostering support of multi-language development when teaching mathematics. The proposed project must explicitly support the implementation of equitable and rigorous mathematics teaching that incorporates students’ languages and cultures in their learning of mathematics. To this end, the proposed project should specifically address-
● the development of classroom materials with a consultant. The consultant must have expertise in both teaching mathematics and teaching language.
● the purchase of materials to implement professional learning with educators towards the above stated goal.
For 2018-2019, one grant of a maximum of $4,000 will be awarded to a school. Costs may include honoraria and expenses for consultants, materials, substitute time during the school day, teacher stipend after the school day, and conference or workshop registrations. No funds may be used for staff travel or equipment. While this grant does not fund the purchase of technology equipment, proposals including professional development involving the use of technology to enhance student learning are encouraged. Indirect costs are not allowed. Proposals must clearly communicate the need your project aims to address. To support this, proposals should include school-specific data (e.g. context, demographics, academic mathematics performance, access to professional development) related to the goals of the grant. Additionally, proposals need to describe the scope of your plan that should include the mathematics content focus, number of teachers and students impacted, expected outcomes, assessment plan, other contributing sources of funding and distribution of costs.
Go to https://www.nctm.org/Grants-and-Awards/Grants/Fostering-Support-of-Mathematics-Learning-in-Multilingual-Classrooms-(Pre-K-12)/ to apply.