Continuation of Solicitation for the Office of Science Financial Assistance Program – Awards vary – Due Sept 30, annually

Sponsored by US Department of Energy, Office of Science

Eligibility:            Public, Private, Other (including homeschool, 501 (c)(3) organizations)

Award(s):           Awards vary.

Deadline(s):       Applications are due September 30, annually.

Focus:   Special Needs, Technology Education/Computer Science, Underserved Populations/At Risk

Grade Level(s):  Adult, Higher Ed

Content Area(s):             Mathematics, Science

State(s):              National

Description:       The US Department of Energy, Office of Science funds new, renewal, and supplemental grant applications for support of work in advanced scientific computing research, basic energy sciences, biological and environmental research, fusion energy sciences, high energy physics, and nuclear physics. All types of applicants are eligible to apply, including public and private institutions of higher education. Funding for multi-institution collaborations are considered.

Individuals with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to carry out the proposed research as program directors or principal investigators are invited to work with their organizations to develop a proposal. Individuals from underrepresented groups as well as individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. In-depth information on scientific and technical areas of interest in each of the program areas is provided in the application instructions. Cost-share match is not required. Questions regarding the specific program areas and technical requirements should be directed to the point of contact listed for each program. Decisions on awards are typically made within six months of application. Historically, there are 200 to 350 annual grant awards.

Contact:              US Department of Energy

Office of Science

1000 Independence Ave. SW

Washington, DC 20585

Phone: Points of contact by program area are posted in the federal funding announcement. Email: Points of contact by program area are posted in the federal funding announcement


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