Sponsored by The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc., administered by the American Chemical Society
Eligibility: Public, Private
Award(s): Grants of $5,000 each are awarded, plus up to $1,500 in travel expenses to the meeting where the award are presented. In addition, grants of $10,000 are awarded to an institution chosen by the recipient.
Deadline(s): Nominations are due November 1, annually.
Focus: Career and College Readiness, Engineering, Professional Development, Technology Equipment/Devices, Underserved Populations/At Risk
Grade Level(s): Higher Ed, Adult
Description: The purpose of the ACS Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged Students into Careers in the Chemical Sciences is to recognize significant accomplishments by individuals who encourage disadvantaged students to choose careers in chemical sciences and engineering. The award also seeks to promote a broader appreciation of chemistry as the central science.
Eligible nominees may come from any professional setting, including academia, industry, government, or an independent facility. Nominations must be submitted online.
Content Area(s): Science
Themes and Skills: Critical Thinking
State(s): National
Contact: Awards Office
American Chemical Society
1155 16th St. NW
Washington, DC 20036-4801
Phone: 202.872.4575
Email: [email protected]