EPA Environmental Education (EE) Grants – Deadline: 3-15-18

Conservation Collaboration Grants or Agreements Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Announcement for Program Funding
February 17, 2018
Westinghouse Grants in Service Areas – DUE: Open
July 16, 2018

EPA is making available up to $3 million in funding for locally-focused environmental education grants under the 2018 EE Local Grant Program. Ten RFPs are being issued nationally, one in each of EPA’s ten Regions, for a total funding of up to $3 million nationwide. EPA anticipates awarding three to four grants in each EPA Region, for no less than $50,000 and no more than $100,000 each, for a total of 30-35 grants nationwide. Proposals are due March 15, 2018.

Find the RFP for your Region.

Determine Eligibility.

  • Applicants must represent one of the following types of organizations to be eligible for an environmental education grant:
    • local education agency
    • state education or environmental agency
    • college or university
    • non-profit organization as described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
    • noncommercial educational broadcasting entity
    • tribal education agency (which includes schools and community colleges controlled by an Indian tribe, band, or nation and which are recognized as eligible for special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians and which are not administered by the Bureau of Indian Education.)
  • Applicant organizations must be located in the United States or territories and the majority of the educational activities must take place in the United States; or in the United States and Canada or Mexico; or in the U.S. Territories.

Complete the Application and Budget Forms, according to the directions in the RFP.

  • Each RFP contains complete instructions for submitting a proposal, including all required information and limitations on format. A summary of the required information is below. Read the RFP thoroughly for application procedures. All applications must be submitted through grants.gov.
  • Find the forms on the “Application Forms” tab. Materials should be submitted in the following order:
    • Two Federal forms: Application for Federal Assistance (SF 424) and Budget (SF 424-A)
    • Work Plan (up to 8 pages):
      1. Project Summary (recommended 1 page)
      2. Detailed Project Description
      3. Project Evaluation Plan
      4. Detailed Budget Showing Match and Sub-grants (not included in the page limit)
      5. Appendices (not included in the page limit)
        • Timeline
        • Logic Model Showing Outputs and Outcomes
        • Programmatic Capabilities and Past Performance
        • Letters Stating Responsibilities of Partners, if applicable

Submit the Proposal Materials.

  • Applications must be submitted electronically through grants.gov, by following the instructions in the RFP.