Robert E. Yager Exemplary Teaching Award – Due: 12/17/18

NSTA Legacy Award – Due: 12/17/18
September 15, 2018
Robert H. Carleton Award – Due: 12/17/18
September 15, 2018

$1,000 – The Robert E. Yager Exemplary Teaching Award will recognize six (6) full-time K–12 teachers of science who successfully use innovation and excellence in their classroom.

Eligibility: K–12 science teachers residing in NSTA’s districts.

Award: $1,000 towards expenses to attend the NSTA National Conference on Science Education, and $1,000 for the awardee. Six awardees will be selected annually. They will present at the NSTA National Conference on Science Education. The awardees will be invited to attend and present at their grade band share-a-thon at the National Conference, attend the district director meet-and-greet, attend and participate in their NSTA District Director Leadership retreat. The awardee will be presented the award at the Teacher Awards Banquet at the National Conference.

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