Experiment.com – Crowdfunding Platform for Science Researchers

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If you are an artist or creator you probably already know about the crowdfunding platforms kickstarter.com and indiegogo.com.

If you are a K12 teacher you probably already know about the crowdfunding platform Donorschoose.org.

However, if you are a University researcher do you know about the crowdfunding platform called Experiment.com ?

Experiment.com allows University Researchers to set up a project and encourage peers, stakeholders, and the public at large to contribute to the project.  Researchers identify the problem they are trying to tackle, a budget, a project timeline, a list of team members, and any endorsements they have received.  Each project has a certain number of days to raise the funding it requires.  If it fails to meet the full funding goal, all donations for that project are returned to the donors.   This is an all or nothing platform.  In exchange for using the service, Experiment.com takes 8% of the funding, plus processing fees.

All projects that are successfully funded are required to provide “lab reports” detailing the outcomes

Below are photos depicting how it works … check out http://experiment.com !